The Happy Sweat Life
Are you looking for a way to stay fit that you actually look forward to doing? Do you have challenges that make it hard to find exercise you can do and enjoy? Welcome to The Happy Sweat Life! Stay tuned for inspiring weekly interviews with people who have discovered dance-based exercise that they not only look forward, but that has also been healing for their mind, body, and spirit .
But don't worry if you think you can't dance, have two left feet and no rhythm! Many of the styles we will be exploring emphasize that everyone with a body has a right and an ability to dance.
My name is Lisa Rung, a former dancer, ice skater, triathlete and I found myself overweight, unmotivated and struggling to get back in shape after menopause. I was introduced to World Groove Movement and Body Groove in 2021. It was not love at first try but I sensed an opportunity to reconnect with my physical self. Not only was it great way to work out but also very affirming on so many levels.
Discovering World Groove and Body Groove sparked my curiosity about what other wonderful dance-based exercise there might be that most people have not heard about. Join me on this journey as we explore the myriad of options and investigate how adaptable and accepting each style is for the range of people in the world, Hit subscribe and listen to the podcast that might just help you find "exercise" you love!
The Happy Sweat Life
Chakradance: Awakening the Energy Within through Movement
Episode 18. Learn about the vibrant world of Chakradance in this episode as I explore the transformative power of movement and energy alignment. Chakradance is not just a dance practice; it's a sacred journey through the body's energy centers, combining dance, music, and mindfulness to facilitate healing and self-discovery.
In this episode, I explore the significance of music, color, and intention in this unique dance form, offering a holistic approach to well-being. Discover the joy of dancing your way to balance, harmony, and a deeper connection with your inner self through the transformative practice of Chakradance.
NOTE: Much of the language used in the episode and the Testimonials was taken directly from the Chakradance website.
Contact me at happysweatlife@gmail.com for questions, suggestions, or to be put on the email list and be notified of new episodes.
Find my World Groove movement zoom class on Thursdays, under my name, at: https://theworldgroovemovement.com/virtual-search/
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Today I am going to be talking about Chakra Dance. So I learned about Chakra Dance from a fellow groove facilitator who has taught it. I do hope to have her on the podcast but our schedules haven't coordinated yet. So I thought I would just do a little overview of what Chakra Dance is in case you want to check it out and give it a try. So it was developed by a woman in Australia. Her name is Natalie Southgate and I'm actually going to play a little clip of her speaking and describing a chakra dance. So take a listen. So I, I really love what she says on her book summary, which is called Chakra Dance, Move Your Chakras, Change Your Life. It says, if you like the idea of yoga, but not the challenging poses, Chakra Dance is for you. If you like the idea of meditation, but find it hard to sit still for more than a few minutes, Chakra Dance is for you. If you know you've got old baggage to release, but find talking therapy too awkward for words, Chakra Dance is for you. So, thousands of years of Eastern medicine talks about chakras, and they are the powerhouse energy centers of the aura. There are seven major chakras that run up the spine, and they allow the energy to flow in and out of our aura. So, when the chakras are flowing. and open then we do feel good and life is good. But if the energy in one of the chakras is blocked then often we will have physical and emotional challenges. So each chakra corresponds to different organs and influences different aspects of our lives from how we love to how we use our intuition. When we bring energy and flow to the chakras, we are bringing health and healing to all those areas of our lives. So as I mentioned, the chakra dance focuses on the seven energy centers of the body. She combines Hindu teachings with Jungian theory. And in the chakra dance, the music plays a very important role. She has a full time musician who helps to create music that specifically resonates with each chakra. It's a healing practice. leading to an inner dance of release and reconnection. So it is done in a dimly lit or dark room. I guess sometimes people actually even wear blindfolds because it's a very internal process and people describe it as feeling like they're coming home, coming home to their, to their bodies and their beings. and she says that with the music she combines science and magic because each chakra does hold a different vibration and so the music is created to vibrate to that particular chakra but there's also an intuitive side to the music. which is about the mood and the feel of each chakra and if you've studied chakras at all, you know also that there are different colors that are associated with the chakras. For example, green is for the heart chakra and purple is for the crown chakra, I believe. So She really wants you, as I said before, you, do it in a darkened room because she wants you to have a full surrender into the music. And there is some sort of creative suggestions as you're dancing each chakra. People sometimes describe it as an awakened dream where they may see images, memories, feelings, emotions, and even physical sensations. In terms of the structure of the class, I did see that there was a person in Canada that was offering a 90 minute class with the focus on just one chakra. So one week she was doing the heart chakra and the next week she was doing the throat chakra. I've also read that some people have taken a class that runs about three hours. So I would imagine that would maybe include all of the chakras. And I believe if you do that one, then you end the class with a mandala art piece. And actually I saw a video on YouTube. It's a short class and the end was people creating artwork on the floor. So that might have been what she was referring to. And there's also group discussion and feedback. So if you're interested in trying it out, as I mentioned, she does have a book and the book includes links to downloadable chakra specific music tracks and guided meditations so that you can try it yourself. There is an audio program you can download, which has meditations, and then there is also a video version that you can download. It looks like it's the same program. I'm not exactly sure, but it's called the same thing. It looks just like one's in an audio format. She does have a fairly intensive program that is available online that you can download, which goes through each of the chakras day by day. So The first section is focused on the root chakra, which is about safety. And so that one is about reconnecting with the wisdom of the body and trusting our instincts. The second one is the sacral chakra, which is all about creativity and pleasure. So that focuses on reigniting your passion and embracing your sacred feminine energy. The third one is the solar plexus, which is focused on self esteem and confidence. So that one is about reclaiming personal power and embodying sacred masculine energy. Then we have the heart chakra, which is about relieving hurts in the heart and opening up to forgiveness, compassion, and love. There's the Throat Chakra next, which is all about communication. So this one is about rediscovering your creative expression and finding your authentic voice. Then there's the Third Eye Chakra, which is all about intuition and imagination. So this is a focus on reawakening your intuition and imagination and gaining heightened insight into life. And finally, there's the Crown Chakra, which is about awareness and intention. So this is about remembering your spiritual connection and finding sacredness in your life. I did look kind of at the search for teachers. It seemed like in the U. S., where I'm based, most of the instructors are in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. It is worldwide, so if you're somewhere else, you can get on her webpage, which is chakradance. com and I'll have a link in the show notes and she has a, find a teacher tab that you can look for. And then I couldn't really find too many virtual classes, like Zoom classes which was a bit surprising but as I said as well, there, there are some samples on YouTube that you can check out if you just Google Chakra Dance. And then she does have an upcoming workshop, which is on November. 14th at 1 p. m pacific standard time and that one is going to be a goddess ritual for opening the flow of abundance. And that's is seven U. S dollars I believe. So if you're interested in that you can check that out and sign up on her. So lastly, I just wanted to read a few of the testimonials that people had written about her program and how they had impacted their lives. And it feels like people really had quite a deep experience with it. Also, I guess it's been presented at Deepak Chopra's center called the Chopra Center. Maureen said this has been a uniquely divine experience that has definitely shifted me in unexpected ways. Angela said chakra dance has truly reignited my joy in life. Anthea says chakra dance has been one of the most powerful, profound, and life changing experiences of my life. Let's see if I can get just one more, and Joyce has said chakra dance has changed my spiritual DNA. So if you are interested in exploring your emotional life, This sounds like a really great way to access it through the music and the movement. If you're interested in teaching it, she does also have teacher training and that information is available on her website. I am looking forward to trying a full class. Hopefully I can do that sometime here in the near future, but Chakra Dance, what your experience was. And as always, if you have any... Questions or comments or suggestions for future episodes, please feel free to email me. You can reach me at happysweatlifeatgmail. com