The Happy Sweat Life
Are you looking for a way to stay fit that you actually look forward to doing? Do you have challenges that make it hard to find exercise you can do and enjoy? Welcome to The Happy Sweat Life! Stay tuned for inspiring weekly interviews with people who have discovered dance-based exercise that they not only look forward, but that has also been healing for their mind, body, and spirit .
But don't worry if you think you can't dance, have two left feet and no rhythm! Many of the styles we will be exploring emphasize that everyone with a body has a right and an ability to dance.
My name is Lisa Rung, a former dancer, ice skater, triathlete and I found myself overweight, unmotivated and struggling to get back in shape after menopause. I was introduced to World Groove Movement and Body Groove in 2021. It was not love at first try but I sensed an opportunity to reconnect with my physical self. Not only was it great way to work out but also very affirming on so many levels.
Discovering World Groove and Body Groove sparked my curiosity about what other wonderful dance-based exercise there might be that most people have not heard about. Join me on this journey as we explore the myriad of options and investigate how adaptable and accepting each style is for the range of people in the world, Hit subscribe and listen to the podcast that might just help you find "exercise" you love!
The Happy Sweat Life
Finding Bliss Through Dance: Unveiling the Joy of World Groove Movement with Lisa Rung
Episode 1. An overview of World Groove and Body Groove™ from my perspective as a participant and facilitator. If you love to dance, if you've been told you can't dance, don't have any rhythm, then give Groove a try. "United and Unique" is the tag line meaning that participants unite in a rhythm or step and add their own unique style and personality. In this episode, I'll also discuss some of the benefits and the amazing community of Groove.
Ruthi Cohen Joyner, EFT Practitioner, Your Tapping Journey
Body Groove on Demand: Body Groove On-Demand (bodygrooveondemand.com)
World Groove Movement: https://theworldgroovemovement.com/
Contact me at happysweatlife@gmail.com for questions, suggestions, or to be put on the email list and be notified of new episodes.
Find my World Groove movement zoom class on Thursdays, under my name, at: https://theworldgroovemovement.com/virtual-search/
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Welcome to the Happy sweat life podcast. My name is Lisa rung, and I'm going to be talking to you today about the world groove movement and body groove. I'm not a spokesman for the company, but just a lover of groove in general and a facilitator. Of this dance style. So I was introduced to groove by an EFT practitioner. Her name is Ruthie Cohen Joyner. And if you're looking for a wonderful EFT practitioner you should look her up. Also have her. Information in the show notes. But she was leading a workshop and as part of the workshop, she would put on one body groove. Dance and we had the opportunity to dance to that. And I have to say that I just really didn't like it at first. I didn't want to shimmy. I didn't feel very comfortable dancing in my. Post-menopausal body. I felt angry sometimes. It was really challenging and difficult. But I was also curious, curious as to why it was bringing up so many emotions. And also I had grown up dancing as a kid. I had started off and creative dance for many years. We did things like dance to the color black. There was some technique, but not a lot. And there was very little choreography. So when I decided that I wanted to become a dancer, I started taking more traditional dance classes like ballet and modern. And I found it really challenging. I found it challenging to learn and follow the choreography. I found it challenging to. To master the techniques. And I really started to feel like I wasn't good enough. And that I carried on my shoulders, that weight for quite a long time. And it actually sometimes still crops up. So. I knew I liked to dance on some level. But I remember this moment we were doing, there was a waltz rhythm. And I suddenly was like, oh, there it is. There is what I used to feel. As a kid, the joy and the freedom of dancing. And it was so wonderful that I very shortly after decided to become a facilitator. And I really hadn't taken too many even full classes at that point, but I jumped in with both feet. And it was challenging and I really grew from the experience. So I did that in November of 2021. And I've been teaching via zoom since April of 2022. And I continue to grow as a facilitator. So what is groove on a basic level, you are United and unique. So meaning that. People are United in a rhythm or a step by the facilitator. But you get to add your own style, your own personality. Your own movements to that. And if you were to. Have a spectrum of. Something like Zumba on one end and Estatic dance on the other end, Groove falls in the middle. So with Zumba you have an instructor at the front it's very choreographed or following the instructor. She's teaching you the steps. And you try your best to follow along and master them. With ecstatic dance. You usually have somebody who's, so-called a DJ who puts together a playlist. They play the songs and you get to dance in any way that you want. It's completely. Free form. So groove is a nice combination of having sort of a container for some instruction. But you really get to dance it in your own way. And the other thing about Groove is that the instructor is not at the front, unless the teaching on zoom, but you're moving throughout the space. You're going backwards. You're going forwards. You're turning. And the facilitator is also moving in and among the participants in the class. So there are some groove truths, which really guide the class and guide your experience of it. The group truths are what other people think of you is none of your business. So basically nobody really cares what you look like dancing. And that's their problem. If they do. Your way is the right way. This one for me was really healing that there is no right or wrong way to dance. And so if you come into groove being told or feeling like you have two left feet, or, you have no rhythm. Just know that this is a super safe place. To explore your body's way of moving to find the dancer inside of you. The other one is no one can do it for you. So this is really about taking accountability or responsibility for yourself as a dancer. Kind of figuring out what's possible for you to do and what you need to do in order to keep it safe for yourself. The other thing is you should look different. So we're not trying to copy what an instructor's doing at the front. We're not trying to. Have our moves look like somebody else's and that is also incredibly freeing. So you don't end up really looking at anybody else. When you're doing Groove very often. Because you don't need to check out what the other people are doing. You're just really present in your own body. And then the final Groove truth is you don't understand something until you apply it. So the real work is just getting out on the dance floor and trying it. Within groove too. There's a lot of variety of music. You might hear country. Funk some Broadway. As I say, you know, waltz rhythms, Latin rhythms. So that makes it really fun. There's always at least one or two songs that you really connect with. So I love the variety. That's present in groove. So who create a groove? Well, groove was created by Misty Tripoli. And I'm going to paraphrase a bit from her website, but she mentioned that she was a long time. Addict of movement and dance. She spent a long time in the fitness industry and she was very successful, but at the same time, she was struggling with an eating disorder. So there became a point where it was just all too much and she says she crashed. And after that she woke to something extremely powerful and liberating. Which were the Groove truths which I just mentioned before. So Misty is all about getting people to dance their hearts out. And that is so true. And reclaim their authenticity. And these are just beautiful, beautiful things to explore and embrace. So what is the difference between body groove and world group movement? Well, the body groove or body groove on demand. Is a streaming service for classes. So if you subscribe to that service, Then you have access to. A ton, a ton of videos. They always have a workout of the day, which is usually about 30 minutes long. With a combination of a different dance. Music and styles. And then they have some programs like elevate your fitness, which I think was a 12 week program and you can join it anytime. They're always evergreen. And then they have all like a young at heart, which is geared towards the older age. They have a sort of more yoga influenced some meditation style. So just a huge selection to pick from, and they're always adding to it you can always find something new there. Now for some people that can be really confusing. And the other wonderful thing I think about. Body groove is that they have a Facebook group that is incredibly active. So if you get on there and you say, Hey, I'm new and I don't know where to start or here's what I'm dealing with. They'll be so many people that will jump on and give you some encouragement, give you some advice. And it's really a. Like a wonderful supportive community. And you'll hear that. And in my interview, in particular with Karin and about an experience that she had noticed happened on the Facebook group. So. You will see in the videos On the dance floor, there are going to be people of all ages. Of all sizes, all abilities, ethnic backgrounds. Just a whole variety which is really wonderful too. And also you will see people doing some modifications, like dancing from. Chairs or, you know, maybe doing it a little bit less intense as some other people. And I just love also the welcoming community that groove is. The other thing with the Facebook group is that people will often post what they call their non-scale victories. Things like being able to get off the floor because Misty is very much about helping us to keep our mobility as we age and challenging ourselves to do that. The other. Thing may be like people feel freer to dance at weddings, or they are able to do things with more strengths. And more endurance than they. Didn't have before. So there's quite a bit of spilling out. As you continue to groove into the rest of your life. And as I said, those group truths also you'll hear in the interviews have a really profound impact on people. So. What is world groove movement? Well, world groove movement is the place where if you do decide to become a facilitator, they have the training. There is the initial training, and then there is opportunities to add to your skills with some advanced classes with A fit program with a young at heart. And with a kid centered one and That also is very supportive. There's quite a bit of Information there on the world group movement. If you become a facilitator. So it's just been invaluable in helping me to give my classes and grow my classes. Then the other thing that you will find there is that if you're interested in maybe doing an in-person retreat you can find that there. Also there's a class finder. So, this is a really great place to go. If you want to find an in-person class. You can type that in. But there's also an Tab four zoom classes. So it's a great way to connect with facilitators. Maybe add an extra dimension to your groove that you. Might want to add to the body groove on demand. If you're doing that. If you want to have that experience of. Having an in-person class. The other thing I would say is that even though body groove and world group are two separate organizations, you will often see people on the. Body groove on demand videos that we will have an opportunity through the world groove movement to take a class from them or to connect with them. And I just, I really love that about it because it just feels like such a community of people that love to groove. And that is their main purpose is not to say I'm better than you. Or I have more experience than you. People are really there to support you in whatever capacity. That you want to participate? So. I think the the only other thing I would say is that I think Chelle you'll hear about in her interview. She mentioned how she found some groove. Videos on YouTube. So if you want to just check it out, you can definitely. Google you tube. For. Groove or Misty Tripoli. And, and just check those out and see what they're like. I will have to say that. Price wise, I think. The groove. Body group on demand streaming is pretty reasonable. It's somewhere around 12 to$15 a month. If you sign up to get on their email list if they're running any specials, you will get notified. I have that. And there have been some through the years that I've been involved. So definitely sign up. So if, the cost at the moment is, is a struggle for you, you know, they do have opportunities for you to get it less expensively. And then. If you decide to try out some in-person classes or even over zoom. Then again, those are pretty affordable. I think people are generally charging like 10 to$20 a class. And some offer packages. So that'll bring the cost down even more. So all in all, I'm obviously a fan and I really encourage you to give it a try. And see if you would like it. And definitely please listen to the interviews with Chelle and with Karin about how they came to groove and their experience with it and their journey to becoming facilitators in episode. Two and three. if you have any questions or any comments. Or want to leave a review? You can do that on your favorite. Listening platform or you can email me at happysweatlife@gmail.com And again, thank you so much for listening to the happy SweatLife podcast.